Salary packaging e-bikes

ANU is pleased to offer all full-time and part-time employees with the option to salary package e-bikes through SmartSalary, which are primarily used for travel to and from work. 


All full-time and part-time employees are eligible to salary package.

You can package up to 100% of your salary


How it works

Organise the novated lease of an e-bike using E-stralian – they’ll work out the regular payment amounts with you and organise all the relevant documentation. You’ll then sign-off on the agreement, along with your employer and E-stralian, and you’ll be on your way.
SmartSalary will deduct your lease payment amounts pre-tax (minus the GST) and pay these directly to E-stralian each pay period.

Things you need to know

  • The e-bike must be primarily used for travel to and from work – any use of the bike outside of this must be incidental and minor.
  • You’ll need to keep a logbook for the first 3 months that you have your e-bike to record your travel as predominantly between work and home or carrying out work-related duties.
  • You should keep your logbook on file for at least 5 years after you complete it.
  • Running costs (such as regular servicing) for your e-bike will be included in your regular lease payment amount.

How to start packaging

  1. Arrange an e-bike novated lease using E-stralian.

  2. Submit your completed E-Bike Application Form, signed novation agreement and E-stralian Payroll Advice to us for processing (if you’re brand new to salary packaging, you’ll also need to complete SmartSalary's Salary Packaging Application Form).


Once your application has been processesd, SmartSalary will send you an email outlining all the details, including your first pre-tax salary deductions. Then you’ll be ready to enjoy your new e-bike and the tax savings that come with it!


  • Remuneration & Conditions Branch
  • +61 2 6125 3346
  • Send email

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