Assessing applicants

After all interviews are completed, the Committee should discuss the relative merits of all applicants. A method of ranking each applicant against the selection criteria should be agreed to prior to the commencement of interviews.

This discussion should focus on the candidates' merits relevant to the selection criteria. The final decision should be determined on the basis of all elements of the selection process (i.e. written application, referee reports, any associated testing, and interview).

Selection Committees may exercise their discretion in the relative weighting of selection criteria, the judgement of the merits of applicants against those criteria and in the assessment of potential or ability to perform other duties.

An applicant may not meet one of the selection criterion, but may compensate with strengths in others and will accordingly, still make a significant contribution. Committees should deliberate and apply collective judgement, rather than develop a strictly mathematical approach to weighting criteria.

At this stage, the Selection Committee may decide to:

  • recommend an applicant for appointment
  • seek verification or further information before making a decision; or
  • not to appoint.

Clear records should be kept by the Selection Committee as to the reason why the recommended candidate was selected ahead of other candidates.

The Committee should also discuss and agree upon the feedback to be given to each applicant, particularly where internal candidates where shortlisted, but were unsuccessful in obtaining the position.

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