Maintaining psychological wellbeing

Managing stress at work is particularly important because it can be a factor in the onset or worsening of symptoms.  

It is important to monitor and manage your stress levels in life and at work.  ANU offers a number of wellbeing activities that can help you maintain your psychological wellbeing. 

In the event that you feel that you are not coping at work, it is a good idea to discuss your concerns with your manager.

Simple changes to your work environment may enable you to better manage your reaction to stressors:

  • revisit your workload - work with your manager to prioritise your workload
  • reduce time pressures - if there are no external deadlines to meet, discuss the option with your manager to set your own deadlines.
  • clarify your responsibilities - if there are any areas that are not essential to your role, discuss with your manager moving these lower down on the priority list.

In addition to speaking to your manager, you could:

  • access your personal support network - once they are aware of what you are experiencing, they will be in a better position to help you
  • contact the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) - they can provide you with free short-term counselling and assistance, and they maintain complete confidentiality and privacy, and/or
  • talk to your doctor or medical practitioner - they can review your health status and identify appropriate treatment options if required.

Talking to someone about your feelings of stress is the most important step you can take in managing your stress. 

If you have a pre-existing mental illness, managing stress at work is particularly important because it can be a factor in the onset or worsening of symptoms. For further information about managing mental illness in the workplace refer to Mental Health for Managers.

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