Parking fees and infringement penalties

2024 Parking fees

Parking fees for 2024 will increase in line with Commonwealth indexation of 7.8 percent. (note: this is CPI for the 12 months to the December 2022 quarter, which is used to index funds paid to universities by the Commonwealth).

Type of permit Yearly rateDaily rate
90 daysPayroll deductionYearly rateDaily rate
90 days
GST inclGST inclGST inclPost
GST exclGST exclGST excl
Surface permitStaff permit$1,025.39$2.81$252.84$39.31$35.74$932.18$2.55$229.85
Authorised permits (includes visitor spaces)$3,048.88$8.35$751.78$116.89$106.26$2,771.70$7.59$683.43
Authorised designated permits
(includes bladed pool vehicles)
Student permit
(students living on campus are not eligible to purchase this permit type)
Resident permits$512.69$1.40$126.42n/an/a$466.08$1.28$114.92
Honorary staff permit$0       
Motorbike parking in designated motorbike spaces$0       
Conference permit $14.09      
Parking stationsStaff permit - not dedicated$3,048.88$8.35$751.78$116.89$106.26$2,771.70$7.59$638.43
Honorary staff permit - not dedicated$1,524.43$4.18n/an/an/a$1,385.85$3.80 
Student permit - not dedicated$2,286.65$6.26$563.83n/an/a$2,078.78$5.70$4512.57
Motorbike parking in designated motorbike spaces$137.28    $124.80  
DisabledIn designated disabled parking spots$0       
Pay and display0-1 hours$2.90       
1-2 hours$6.00       
2-3 hours$10.30       
 All dayN/A       
Pay as you go (CellOpark)Staff and students        
Per hour$2.36       
All day$16.92       
Per hour$3.07       
All day$27.63       

Infringement Notice Penalties

216Parking continously for longer than permitted$132.00
211Not parking wholly within parking bay$132.00
212Use more parking bays than necessary$132.00
206Park so as to obstruct vehicles/pedestrians$132.00
201Stop in permit parking zone (no valid permit)$132.00
238Park after ticket expired$132.00
239Park without current/equivalent ticket$132.00
205Stopping on a path/nature strip or land that is not a road$132.00
207Not parallel park in direction of travel$132.00
200Not park at specified angle$132.00
214Disobey No Parking sign$132.00
221Disobey motorbike parking sign$132.00
236Disobey bicycle parking sign$132.00
233Stop in a shared zone$132.00
244Stop on a painted island$132.00
227Interfere with parking permit$132.00
223Rider not wearing bicycle helmet/fitted/fastened$159.00
222Disobey no bicycle sign$159.00
224Ride bicycle without visible front white light$159.00
225Ride bicycle without visible rear red light$159.00
226Ride bicycle without visible red reflector$159.00
237Person on personal mobility device not wearing helmet$159.00
208Stop in loading zone longer than 30 minutes$178.00
209Stop in loading zone (not loading or unloading)$178.00
210Stop in loading zone longer than indicated$178.00
203Stop in a bus zone$178.00
232Stop in a bicycle lane$241.00
219Stop at side of road with continuous yellow edge line$297.00
215Disobey No Stopping sign$297.00
220Stop on area marked with Keep Clear markings$297.00
234Drive contrary to direction of traffic lane arrow$316.00
235Disobey one way sign$316.00
213Disobey no entry sign$316.00
202Stop on/near pedestrian crossing$449.00
229Display changed/damaged/defaced parking ticket$640.00
228Display thing falsely resembling parking ticket$640.00
204Parked in a parking area for disabled$640.00
230Interfere with ticket machine$700.00
248Stop in a taxi zone$132.00
249Stop in electric vehicle charging zone, not charging$132.00

Infringement penalties are set out in the Road Transport (Offences) Regulation 2005 (ACT) currently in force.
