Lost & found

The Lost and Found Office is located in the Fulton Muir Building (95), on Daley Road. It operates by appointment only. Please email lostandfound@anu.edu.au prior to visitting Fulton Muir Building. 


Reporting lost property

Reports of lost items can be made at any time by emailing lostandfound@anu.edu.au

When reporting a lost item please provide the following information:

  • your name
  • the name of the owner (if different from above)
  • a contact address and telephone number
  • a description of the item
  • areas on campus where you believe the item may have been lost
  • date that you noticed the item was missing

Found property

Items that have been found can be handed into the Lost and Found Office. The items will be registered and you will be asked to provide the following information:

  • your name
  • your contact address and telephone number
  • the location where the item was found

Property that is handed in is assessed for its value and is held under the following conditions as mandated by legislation (Uncollected Goods Act 1996):

  • Perishable goods: disposed of immediately (anything that might pose a risk to public health if kept including food and beverage containers)
  • Goods of no value (less than $20 in value): kept for 7 days
  • Good of low value (between $20 and $500 in value): kept for 1 month
  • Goods of significant value (over $500 in value): kept for 3 months

If not collected by the finder after the above stated periods, the property will be handed over to charity or destroyed. Any passports are immediately taken to the Canberra City Police Station to be processed by their system.

Collecting lost property

Lost property may be collected from the Lost and Found Office by appointment only. Please email lostandfound@anu.edu.au. You will be asked to show proof of identity and, if necessary, ownership of the item. You will also be asked to sign a receipt to acknowledge that you have received your property.

Further information

The Lost and Found office is administered by Facilities & Services in accordance with the Lost property guideline.

Further information can be obtained by contacting the Lost and Found Office by emailing lostandfound@anu.edu.au
