The Lodge

The Lodge

The Lodge

The Lodge

The Lodge

The Lodge


The new Lodge offers 18 private ensuite double rooms, combined with a library, lounge and seminar room, offering spectacular views over the Warrumbungle National Park. Bookings can be made via the reservation request form

The park is a great place for camping, walking, birdwatching and, as Australia's only Dark Sky Park, it's perfect for stargazing. The Breadknife, easily the most recognisable feature within the park, towers 90m above the valley floor and is a symbol of the park's enduring importance and resilience. The Breadknife and Grand High Tops walk is recognised as one of the best walks in NSW, with close-up views of the park's iconic rock formations.

Wildfires in 2013 marked yet another chapter in this great park's history. National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPSW) has worked hard to rebuild its facilities for generations to come. Walking tracks, campgrounds and other visitor sites have been rebuilt with new modern facilities. Drop into the Warrumbungle Visitor Centre for park information or buy a star chart to enjoy our starry nights. A brand new visitor centre is expected to open in 2017.

Please note that overnight accommodation offering is restricted for research activities on the site.


No rooms information available.


No facilities information available.


Terms & Conditions

Upon agreeing to The Australian National University’s ('the University') registration form, you agree that your access to and use of the Lodge and Siding Spring Observatory ('the site') is subject to the full Terms & Conditions listed below.


Payment is accepted by Credit Card or alternative arrangement.

We accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express cards.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations made up to 48 hours (2pm on day of Check In) will NOT incur a fee. Cancellations made within 48 hours prior to check-in will incur a cancellation fee of one night at the daily rate applicable to your booking.

No-shows and cancellations after check-in will incur a cancellation fee of 2 nights at the daily rate applicable to your booking

Acceptable Guest Conduct

The guest agrees to take care of the room and the site and keep it clean. In particular, the guest will:

  • not intentionally or negligently damage the room or permit such damage;
  • notify the University of any loss, damage, water entry or any defect in the room as soon as possible;
  • not make any room depredations (such as vomit, bodily waste/ fluid);
  • not paint, mark or deface any part of the room;
  • not make any additions or alterations to the room;
  • not add any fixtures or fittings to the room;
  • put nothing down a sink, drain or toilet which might obstruct it;
  • not do or permit anything which might prejudice any insurance the University holds for the room;
  • take all reasonable precautions against the outbreak of fire and notify the University immediately of any fire causing damage;
  • notify the University promptly of any infectious disease or the presence of vermin or pests in room or on the site;

The guest will leave the room: 

  • in substantially the same state of cleanliness, removing all his or her belongings and any other goods brought onto the site during the term of the stay; and
  • in substantially the same condition as the room was at Check-In, fair wear and tear excepted.

The guest agrees not to:

  • use the room or the site, or permit them to be used, for an illegal purpose to the detriment of the University’s interest in the room or the site;
  • cause or permit nuisance; or
  • interfere, or permit interference, with the quiet enjoyment of the occupiers of nearby rooms and the site.

The guest will be responsible for the cost of repairs made necessary by the negligence or wilful act of the guest.

The guest agrees that it will repay any costs incurred by the University for the repair, cleaning or replacement of any items for the room or the site and the cost as a result of the room being withdrawn from its availability to be let due to its actions, or those of its guests during the term of their stay. In extreme cases, criminal charges will be pursued.

The guest is personally responsible for the actions or omissions of visitors, other guests or other persons in the room or on the site if the person is in the room or on the site with the permission of the guest.

On giving the guest 24 hours written notice (or such other agreed period), the University may enter the room at a reasonable time, having regard to the interests of the guest and the University, for the purpose of making or inspecting repairs.

The University may access the room without notice to carry out urgent repairs or maintenance if required.

The keeping of pets is not permitted under any circumstances. This is in keeping with the University’s procedures in respect of pets.

The University is a smoke-free campus environment. Smoking is not permitted inside the room, or any enclosed part of the building in which the room is located, including stairwells or corridors. This is in keeping with the University’s policies in respect of smoking.

There is a designated smoking area which is located on the grass between Bingar Cottage and Cottage 3, or as sign posted.

Fees Chargeable to Guests Account Include, And Are Not Limited To:

  • Smoking in room – $165.00 cleaning fee applies;
  • Lost or stolen keys – $20.00 fee – Attempts will be made to contact the guest who will be given the opportunity to return keys taken. Failure to do so will result in the fee being charged to your account; or
  • Room depredations – (Such as vomit, bodily waste/ fluid) a $165.00 cleaning fee will be charged, plus any professional floor cleaning charges at cost, plus a daily room tariff to be the daily tariff that would be charged if the room was available to be let until the room has been returned to its saleable condition;

The University will maintain the room(s) in a reasonable state of repair having regard to their condition at Check-In. The guest will notify the University in writing of repairs required to the room. Guest to email to report an issue.


General enquiries

  +61 2 6125 4000
