Industry Engagement
The Innovation-focused teams within the Office of Research and Innovation Services provide experienced development support and advice on commercialisation and intellectual property, patent management, new ventures and entrepreneurship, major commercial research partnerships, and new research business opportunities.
We partner with researchers, allied parts of the university and external entities to help create impact through commercial engagement. Our four key activities are:
· Business Opportunity Development:
o Industry, government and community engagement
o Research project and partnership scoping
o Strategic support for proposal development
· Partnerships:
o Large-scale partnership development and commercial management
o Industry collaboration for major research bids, e.g. CRC, ITRP, CRC-P
· Commercialisation & IP:
o Invention disclosures
o Patent filing and management
o IP marketing and licensing
· New Ventures & Entrepreneurship:
o New start-up assessment
o New start-up advice and support
o Investment advice and support
We work closely with the rest of the RIS teams and ANU Enterprise.
Our teams & contacts
Information for staff
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