Recent Outages

Please find a listing of recent outages below. If you would like further information regarding any of the listed outages please contact Wattle Support.

Date Start Time End Time RFC System/Application Impacted Reason for outage
23/11/18 00.00 AEDT 14.00 AEDT   Adobe Connect

Infrastructure tasks performed in CHG0003157 took significantly longer than anticipated.

22/11/18 22.30 AEDT 23.59 AEDT CHG0003157 Adobe Connect Emergency tasks in relation to operations performed during the unplanned outage on 19 November
19/11/18 15.04 AEDT 16.07 AEDT   Adobe Connect Users were unable to join meetings in Adobe Connect
26/09/18 14.00 AEST 16.00 AEST CHG0002979 Legacy Echo360 system - EchoSystem Server (ESS) Fix login issue on ESS
23/09/18 01.00 AEST 09.30 AEST CHG0002964 Turnitin Maintenance performed by Turnitin
29/08/18 14.30 AEST 15.00 AEST CHG0002907 Adobe Connect Restart of services
21/08/18 07.45 AEST 08.00 AEST CHG0002845 Adobe Connect Implement configuration update
17/08/18 06.39 AEST 10.39 AEST   Adobe Connect Users were unable to join meetings in Adobe Connect
30/07/18 14.00 AEST 14.15 AEST CHG0002802 Legacy Echo360 system - EchoSystem Server (ESS) Improve performance testing of the ESS data migration
13/07/18 14.00 AEST 15.15 AEST   Adobe Connect Users were unable to join meetings in Adobe Connect
28/06/18 09.00 AEST 17.00 AEST CHG0002676 Legacy Echo360 system - EchoSystem Server (ESS) Preperation for data and contents migration from ESS to ALP
27/06/18 23.00 AEST 23.30 AEST CHG0002699 Mahara ePortfolio Security update
21/06/18 10.00 AEST 13.30 AEST CHG0002680 Adobe Connect Database migration and security updates